About Raza International Girls School.
When you educate a man you educate an individual; When you educate a woman you educate a whole family." - Robert M.MacIver
At RIGS every girl is special. RIGS endeavours to produce its students as rational human beings who will in future contribute towards betterment of the society. We aim to enrich,

educate and inspire the students so that they outshine others in performance, values and cultural ethos. We strive to enlighten our "maidens" in a manner leading to broadening their horizons, developing their ability to question, analyze and debate, realizing when to fight back and when to exercise restraint. We aspire to groom each RIGSITE so as to enter womanhood shining like a beacon, guiding her family, community, society, and nation and make this world a better place to live.
Raza International Girls School is a girls school founded by Mr. Tarique Raza Khan and Dr. Shahina Khan to provide all round education to our children. The school serves the educational needs of all the sections of the society regardless of caste, creed or financial status. The students are prepared for CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) examination. The school management is run by a competent and well qualified faculty.